Unique 60th Birthday Ideas!
Posted onThere are so many options for a 60th birthday gift such as clothes, flowers, greeting cards, etc. However, we believe our crazy cookies are the most unique 60th birthday ideas ever! Here at Parker’s Crazy Cookies, each and every single cookie is personalized to look identical to the person that you would like to make into a cookie. Every cookie design is unique!
Personal Items Shows Character!
We create customized items for our people to hold to show off their favorite items that reflect their personality! We can create personalized items ranging from a bundt cake to a pickle ball paddle to drum sticks! There’s no limit on what kind of item you can hold!

Exercising Past Prime!
Despite almost reaching that retirement age, these people are still doing some physical activity everyday! Nothing is stopping these guys!

Drinks are on Them!
Drinks are suppose to taste better when you get older right? Here are some 60 year olds enjoying their choice of nice refreshing drinks and later will be munching on our cookies!

If you’re ready to create a unique 60th Birthday cookie for your superstar, we’re ready to work out magic! We can help you get started today!